Meet Star Frontliner Nurse Giselle from Tokyo Japan! Her passion to help others inspired her to become a Dermatology Nurse. According to Giselle, one the most challenging experience during the pandemic is not being able to stay home to take utmost care of her family. There is a critical need to go to work everyday to take care of the patients. There is no lockdown in Japan, schools and healthcare facilities are open since the pandemic begun. As a frontliner, she is vulnerable in contracting the virus due to high rate of patient interaction. Giselle believes that wearing masks and constant hand washing is really effective if done properly and religiously to help prevent the spread of the virus. One of the things that Giselle learned from her experience in working in the frontlines is that we need to accept that COVID is now part of our normal lives and we should learn to adapt to the changes that came with it. It is by facing the realities of our daily lives that we rise above difficult situations. Giselle will continue to promote wearing masks, practice good hygiene and hand washing all the time as needed. She believes that the virus already claimed many lives and hopes that we can prevent it from further destroying humanity by spreading love and not hate. Stop Asian Hate. 


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